Glass Election 2024 Reporting: Candidate Information

Glass will be publishing a special Election Edition magazine to promote the Guild elections and provide candidate information to students. If you wish to participate (and we highly recommend you do!), then you need to send in a candidate submission. Statements will be published online as well. 

    Your statement should talk a bit about yourself and tell students why you are the best candidate for the job. Some questions to consider are:

    • What is your political stance?
    • What are the issues you care about?
    • What are your plans for improving student life at QUT?
    • Where do you see the Guild going in the future?
    • Why should student’s care about this election?
    • Why is the Guild an important institution at our university?

              Candidate submissions should be:

              • 300 words maximum
              • submitted as a Word Document
              • Each candidate may also submit one (1) photo of themselves.

                  Submissions must be sent to by Monday 30 September 2024 at 5pm. This is a hard deadline due to print deadlines and no accommodations will be made for late submissions.

                  Glass and the Guild will also be hosting a presidential debate. All the details are still being worked out, but the tentative date for the debate is Week 12. All eligible presidential candidates will be invited to participate.

                  Participation is not mandatory, but it is encouraged. After all, what better way is there to get your message across than to go up against your opponent and show the QUT student community why you are the best for the job?

                  Presidential candidates will be contacted in due course with more information.

                  Celeste Muller
                  Celeste Muller

                  Celeste (she/her) is a Meanjin/Brisbane based writer and Editor at Glass Media. She has a Bachelor's degree in Design (Interior Design) and is currently studying Journalism and Economics at QUT.

                  Articles: 55

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